Exquisite Caviar
Exmoor Caviar - Imperial Oscietra
A superb example of a classic caviar. Large grains ranging from chestnut to golden brown, this is a real epicurean delight. The flavour of Oscietra is synonymous with hazelnuts and cream and that’s exactly what this caviar delivers. Sturgeon Species: Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii (GUE)
About Imperial Oscietra Caviar
This caviar is produced from one the Caspian Sea indigenous species and it is the only species that should be called Oscietra! Now produced for Exmoor Caviar in Europe.
Caviar Pairing Notes
A caviar of this quality should be celebrated for what it is and enjoyed simply, but is great with seafood too. Pairs excellently with sparkling wine and champagne.
Exmoor Caviar - Imperial Beluga
Still the most recognised name in caviar, Beluga is still considered 'King of Caviar'. Famous for its very large pearlescent grey eggs, this caviar is full and rich in flavour with a rounded and long creamy finish. Sturgeon Species: Huso Huso (HUS)
About Imperial Beluga Caviar
Produced from the indigenous Caspian Sea species, these mighty fish are mature at around 18 years and at this stage will weigh upwards of 100kg. It is this growing time that now gives Beluga its equally mighty price tag as well at its rich flavours.
Caviar Pairing Notes
A caviar of this magnitude should only be enjoyed with a glass of your favourite champagne or ice cold vodka.